Walpole Unitarian Church
Weddings Memorial Services Baptisms New-Member Orientation Pastoral Visits Meetings
Our Sunday Services
Worship at the Walpole Unitarian Church promises a rich and diverse menu this year using a creative approach to sustainable ministry!
Reverend Elaine Bomford offers two services a month, and we draw from a large number of other professional and lay speakers. On the first Sunday of the month, we hold Circle Sunday service, a casual time to be together, discuss a topic, play and sing.
Winter Services 2023-24
December January February
Unless otherwise noted, all services begin at 10 a.m.
December 3 – First Sunday service “Holy Food” led by Antonia Andreoli.
December 10 – “Peace.” In keeping with the theme for the Second Sunday of Advent, Rev. Elaine offers reflections on the power of peace in our personal lives, and the possibility of peace on the Earth.
December 17 – “Welcome, Inner Child.” We recognize and renew the spirit of natural joy, wonder, and innocence which dwells within each person, with Rev. Elaine.
December 24 – Christmas Eve Candlelight service 5 p.m. No Sunday morning service.
December 31 – No New Years Eve Service.
January 7 – First Sunday Topic to be announced.
January 14 – “Martin Luther King Jr.” presented by the Worship Committee.
January 21 – Topic to be announced
January 28 – “Intuition.” Rev. Elaine explores the power and nature of that most elusive of animal senses, intuition.
February 4 – First Sunday, topic to be announced.
February 11 – “Love Thy Neighbor.” Meditations on a foundational, accessible, and inspiring precept of world spirituality with Rev. Elaine.
February 18 – “The Fearless Benjamin Lay” presented by Wendy Harty.
February 25 – “Darwin's Lost Theory of Love: A Healing Vision for the New Century.” Rev. Elaine shares insights from scientist and evolution theorist David Loye's book about Unitarian Charles Darwin.

"A Light Shines in the Darkness,"
8 December 2019
Testing the Water in the Wells," by Antonia Andreoli
By Rev. Elizabeth Foster
Intro by Rev. Elaine Bombord
"Easter Service 2018: Resurrection 101"
By Rev. Elaine Bomford >>>
“The Land of Ur: Dreams, Myths, and the Collective Unconscious”
By Keith Penniman >>>