Walpole Unitarian Church
Walpole Hunger Walk 2021
We are gearing up for the annual Walpole CROP Hunger Walk on Saturday, September 25th! For 20 years, churches in Walpole have collaborated to organize the walk in order to raise funds to alleviate hunger locally and also to assist with sustainable farming and clean water practices in the U.S. and throughout the world. Please join us again this year with your friends and family to support the effort with your steps and your donations. In person registration starts at 9 a.m. and the walk begins at 9:30 a.m. at the First Congregational Church on The Common. The route takes you around Walpole – approximately 3.5 miles.
To participate
To participate in the Walk, or to find out more about Crop Hunger Walk, go to the website for the Walpole Crop Hunger Walk (shown below) and register. Walpole Unitarian is registered there. Unable to participate in the walk, but would like to donate? Please consider donating as
an individual or to an associated group or walker through a donation by check
or by using the secure link below.
Make it an event
Walkers are encouraged to invite friends and family to support them and use the website to donate once registered. Through donations last year, walkers raised a total $12,325.00. One fourth of the total, or $3,081.00 went to our local Fall Mountain Food Shelf, our local designated beneficiary.
For more information about the CROP Hunger Walk, to register online or to donate, please use this link: https://events.crophungerwalk.org/2021/ event/walpolnh
Questions? Please call Wendy Harty at 802- 463-3153 or Ellie Shaw at 603-756-4866.