Walpole Unitarian Church
Notes from the Board of Trustees
Wendy Harty, Candace Damon, Ed Wasowski, Dorothy Read, Paul Kranowski, Joanna Andros
A Message from the President of our Board of Trustees
Our Thanks
December is always the busiest month of all, and we are always very grateful for the many ways members and friends join in to help. This year we are grateful to all who:
Cooked, packaged, or worked at the sales table for our Holiday Food Sale
Assisted in the creation of the labyrinth in the Hastings House ballroom, volunteered for an evening of labyrinth sitting, or helped with taking down the labyrinth.
Helped with the sales of tickets for our beautiful Amish style quilt.
Volunteered to assist before and during the Christmas Eve Service, or
sang in the Christmas Eve choir.
We were thankful to have Marcia Oster back this year and able to work with the choir. Under her guidance, what may have seemed impossible at first came together beautifully over the few weeks of practice.
Special thanks go to both Ajlan Beer and Glenne Fletcher, soloists.
Finally, we are most grateful to Rev. Telos Whitfield for leading the Christmas Eve service and for all her planning and communication with the worship committee leading up to the service.
Board Meetings
The Board of Trustees generally schedules meetings for the third Sundays of the month, following the church service.
Building Projects
We are currently repairing all the windows in the church, a lengthy and important project, and we will be in the final phase this summer.
Hastings Parish House
Throughout the year, people choose to hold their events at Hastings
Memorial Parish House.
From wedding receptions and birthday parties, to baby and wedding showers, Hastings can be a lovely venue any time of year. People can choose to use the entire building, or just the downstairs.
Did you know our church members who wish to use the building have a special advantage, as the cost is half the amount paid by non-members?
Contact Wendy Harty if you are interested in using Hastings for your event. (802-463-3153)
If you have been attending a while and have questions about membership, please contact a membership committee member Virginia, Jessica, or Dorothy.
Building and Grounds
We've been working as a board on a Capital plan incorporating the inspectors recommendations as well as observations from Building and Grounds, Board members and church members, and quotes and the associated costs. In the meantime we have prioritized a number of items that demanded immediate attention.
* Tower Bell: we have repaired the mechanism that needed to be rewired and have limit switches replaced.
* Ballroom Ceiling: has been beautifully patched and painted!
* Church Windows: The widow project has continues, and approaches completion.
* Brickwork at Hastings: The brickwork around the building is in dire need of repair and repointing. Once the weather has broken this work will be contracted and completed.
* Hastings Porch Deck: has been scrapped and repainted.
* Church Sound System: The system has been rewired and labeled for ease of use, and wireless microphone capability installed. The hearing impaired system needs to be fixed and we are working to get an answer on what needs to be done to correct the issue.
Membership Committee Notes:
Our Cookbook Project was well received! We sold lots of books, and with a part of the proceeds we purchased additional aqua hymnals, and we bought copies of the new supplement to the hymnal full of readings and meditations. If you haven't looked at it, check it out next Sunday!