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Church Events:




New After Church Discussion

   of UUWorld articles

   Join us for a UU World discussion session after


   An after church discussion of articles

from the winter “UU World” magazine will

be held on Sunday, February 24 at 11:30

a.m. in the church.

   The program will include two, 20-

minute conversations with a break between

making the total meeting time about 50

minutes. This will be a time of learning,

listening and sharing facilitated by Rev.

Elaine Bomford.

   The two articles from the winter “UU

World” magazine to be discussed will be

selected by Rev. Bomford. Please try to read

these articles before the discussion.

Copies of the articles will be available to

allow time for reading ahead.

   Members of the church receive the

“UU World” magazine quarterly. Many of

the articles are informative, creative and

connect us to the greater UU community of

churches and projects that are well worth a


   If you are a member and have not

been recieving your copy of UU World,

please contact Dorothy at 802.463.9333.


Book Group Thriving!


Join us every month in a lively discussion of a selected book!          See more >>>


Thursday Meditation Group


The meditation group meets every Thursday evening, from  7 – 8pm at Hastings House in Walpole. It begins with a reading followed by silent meditation. Everyone is welcome.


Monadnock Interfaith Project


Rev. Sandra Whippie, our minister emerita, has been working with other church groups on many projects.  The following is a letter sent to newspapers concerning immigration.


Letter to the Editor from the Monadnock Interfaith Project

Immigrant Policy

In recent weeks, there has been a great deal of controversy about our government’s

policy to separate children from their parents when families cross our southern

border seeking asylum and a better life. These events feel like a defining moment for

members of the Monadnock Interfaith Project, a local non-profit that unites people of

all faith backgrounds, and the unaffiliated faithful, to work for social justice within

our communities.

The treatment of these families has put a spotlight on our values, our fears, and the

way in which power is used for and against the interests of various communities.

We observe activities within and outside our government that seek to lessen our

sense of kinship with fellow humans born outside our nation’s borders. Our sense of

justice and common humanity is offended by the idea of innocent children being so

deeply traumatized.

Those who claim these families are threats would have us believe that these

desperate people crossing borders have a great deal of power over our lives.

Monadnock Interfaith Project believes that it is very important to cultivate clarity

about power, who wields it, and how.

Power, the ability to get things done, is not in and of itself bad. Power can create

chaos or harmony in our lives and communities, depending on how it is used and

shared. We can, and we must, use our power well. Our power is in our numbers, our

voices, our daily choices, and our votes. When we exercise that power, we need to be

clear about our values and interests.

Many Americans agree on values like opportunity, fairness, security, ingenuity,

and hard work. Yet we are experiencing a great deal of turmoil over ideas about how to

secure these values for ourselves and our children, and who is included in the

community that builds and shares in the future we envision.

As people of faith we find common ground in a vision of peace, security, and

opportunity. We must take care of each other, especially the children, and unite to

build a future that provides for us all.

We pray, bear witness, and speak out in support of all families who are seeking

peace, security, and opportunity.

Sarah Harpster

On Behalf of the Monadnock Interfaith Project Guiding Council

Tom Bassarear

David Blair

James Duffy

Charlie Gibson

Joanne Fenton

Len Fleischer

Tom Julius

Stan Long

Jane Meneghini

Pamela Parrish

Sandra Whippie



Calling all Mystics!


The Mystics Circle is held on the second Friday evening of every month, beginning with a potluck at 5:30pm, and followed by a discussion at the Hastings Parish House in Walpole on a wonderful range of topics.  If you want more information or to be added to the mystics list, e-mail community member Len at






Our Congregation completed this lovely quilt for Rev. Telos to commemorate her time here as our beloved minister.

Local groups support the “Rise for Climate, Jobs and Justice”


           The Bellows Falls Community Bike Project and the Friday Vigil groups will be sponsoring and attending a large demonstration in Brattleboro on Saturday, September 8 at 3 p.m. The emphasis of the demonstration will be transportation and will provide a learning and fun experience with activities for all.

          Vermont is not meeting the carbon emission goals that we need to help the climate improve.

Across the country, tens of thousands of people will show our power by hitting the streets, holding

community forums, and educating voters about the issues – all to ensure that elected and private sector leaders make action on climate a priority.

           For more information contact Karen Walter,

The following information can be found on the Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth

Copyright 2023

Walpole Unitarian Church all rights reserved  

Physical address:   14 Union St., Walpole, N.H.

Mailing:   PO Box 849 Walpole, N.H. 03608 603-756-3961

A map to our site is located here >>>         

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